Research interests
Our research interests include the study of the:
- neural bases and development of corporeal knowledge
- neural mechanisms involved in action prediction and anticipation
- neural and cognitive correlates of elite sport performance and sport learning
- neural bases of self-transcendence
Our major expertise is in single pulse and repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) of body and action representation. In recent years, we have translated the results of our basic neuroscience researches on the neuropsychological and neurophysiologic evaluation of brain lesion and mental disorders patients.
Research grants
Our activity is currently supported by the following Research Grants:
2023-2026: Bando Ricerca Finalizzata 2021, Italian Ministry of Health. RF-2021-12374279 - SINCRO: Spatiotemporal entrainment as Innovative Neuromodulation targeting Cerebello-cerebral circuits for enhancing Rehabilitation Outcomes of cognitive and social skills in progressive and acquired cerebellar diseases. PI: Prof.ssa Maria Leggio (Rome), co-PI Prof. Cosimo Urgesi
2023-2026: Fondazione Regionale per la Ricerca Biomedica (FRRB) – Regione Lombardia. Project ID 3438840 – BOOST: Bottom-up and tOp-down neuromOdulation of motor plaSTicity in celebral palsy. PI: Dr.ssa Alessandra Finisguerra, Scientific Institute, IRCCS E. Medea.
2023-2026: HORIZON-EIC-2022-PATHFINDEROPEN-01, European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA). Project 101099481 – Relieve: First Closed-loop non-Invasive Seizure Prevention System. PI: Prof. Cosimo Urgesi and Dr.ssa Alessandra Finisguerra, Scientific Institute, IRCCS E. Medea.
- 2023-2026: The Cognitive Neuroscience of religious Cognition, Templeton Foundation under a subcontract with Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, Shirley Ryan AbilityLab. Searching for the Neural Foundations of Spirituality and Religiosity in the predictive coding of the internal and external world. PI: Prof. Cosimo Urgesi.
- 2024-2026: Italian Ministry of Health, Current Research program - Neuropsychology and Neuromodulation of cogntiive, motor and social functions: a transdiagnostic apprach. PI: Dr.ssa Alessandra Finisguerra, Scientific Institute, IRCCS E. Medea.
Previous research was funded by the: European Commission (H2020 and FP7 Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowships for Career Development); Italian Ministry of University and Scientific Research (Future in Research Program 2012; PRIN 2009; PRIN 2017); Italian Ministry of Health, Scientific Institute E. Medea (Current Research Programs 2010-2023; Finalized Research, Young Investigator Grant 2008; Finalized Research, Young Investigator Grant 2016); Consortium of Italian and Argentinian Universities (CUIA research Program 2010); Royal Society (Research Grants 2015R2); Italian Institute of Technology (IIT SEED Project); Mind & Life Institute (Mind and Life Contemplative Studies Fellowships 2012; BIAL Foundation (Bursaries for Scientific Research 2010-2011); Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia (L.R. 34 art. 5 c. 29-33, 2017).